Go to www.brianmosleyblog.com for our new blog.
Read More......Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Friday, May 01, 2009
God vs. the Flu
I woke up this morning to the newspaper headline "Health Officials Suggest Avoiding Large Events."
I was instantly thankful that it wasn't November 1 and we were 4 days away from hosting 2500 people for our LeadNow and Fusion events. What would we do?
On one hand I understand the "resistance opinion" that says that the media is over- reacting to the swine flu and that we all make a big deal about nothing. Part of this opinion could include the idea that God is bigger than the flu. We shouldn't let the media scare us from going to church or attending events or alter the normal course of our day.
On the other hand, there have been school closings in all the districts around us. My thee kids have all been sick this week (thankfully just a respiratory infection) and so we have canceled plans to attend a family gathering, a weekend camping expedition and most likely church on Sunday. It's common sense if they are sick to not expose their sickness to others and not expose my already weakened kids to other potential viruses. Isn't it just wise to play it safe?
So back to LeadNow and Fusion. What would we do if it was November 1 and the headline read "Health Officials Suggest Avoiding Large Events." I have a feeling there would a prevailing attitude around here of "the show must go on." But what if people started calling in asking for money back? What if some of our speakers like Donald Miller, Francis Chan or Mark Batterson said they decided not to come? Our ministry couldn't afford to just write it all off and give everyone the money back. Too much would have already been invested.
Would it be foolish to cancel or irresponsible to continue?
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Rethinking the American Dream
I don't usually read the magazine Vanity Fair, but it caught my eye on Friday night and I am glad it did. I was standing in line at the bookstore and noticed an article titled "Rethinking the American Dream" on the cover. I was very intrigued but didn't want to dive into my kids' college fund to pay for the magazine. After reading the article online today, I realize it would have been well worth the money if I had forked it over on Friday night. It's a GREAT article.
It's a long read, but traces the roots of the "American Dream" concept and how it has evolved over the past 70 years. As a 30 year old it gave me some perspective on why I think the way I do and why my generation has so many questions about life.
By the way, a phrase or mantra we have adopted at The RightNow Campaign is "a generation trading in the pursuit of the American Dream for a world that desperately needs Christ."
Along with millions of jobs and 401(k)s, the concept of a shared national ideal is said to be dying. But is the American Dream really endangered, or has it simply been misplaced? Exploring the way our aspirations have changed—the rugged individualism of the Wild West, the social compact of F.D.R., the sitcom fantasy of 50s suburbia—the author shows how the American Dream came to mean fame and fortune, instead of the promise that shaped a nation.Read More......
Read the whole article here.
Monday, February 23, 2009
From One Generation to the Next
Last week we had the opportunity to spend 2 hours with Bob Buford at his office. Bob wrote the book Halftime, which greatly inspired me 10 years ago.
The tag line to his book is "Moving from Success to Significance." My dad had the book on his desk 10 years ago and for some reason it caught my attention and so I read it. Keep in mind, I was 20 and had reached no degree of "success" ... but I longed to be "significant."
That book was a major force in launching The RightNow Campaign in 2000. What Bob had done for his generation, I hoped to do for mine. We have a long way to go, but the conversation with Bob last week was affirming. I love that his desire is to pass down insight and wisdom so that our generation can "get it now" and not wait until a midlife crisis to figure things out.
I left rejuvenated and ready to dig deeper to understand the core issues and questions that face our generation of 20 and 30-somethings.
Here are a few questions that Bob posed in his book. Are these the questions that you ask yourself at night in bed looking at the ceiling? If not, what are you asking yourself?
1. What do I wish to be remembered for?
2. Is this really as good as it gets?
3. How was it that I could be so successful, so fortunate, and yet so frustratingly unfulfilled?
4. If your life was absolutely perfect, how would it look to you?
5. What is my passion?
6. How am I wired?
7. Where do I belong?
8. What will I do about what I believe?
9. Who am I?
10. What do I value?
11. What gifts has God given me? How can I use them?
12. What would I be willing to die for?
13. What injustices do I see in the world, that I simply cannot stomach anymore?
14. What is it about my job that makes me feel trapped?
Please drop me a comment and let me know how these questions hit you and what questions you would add. Read More......
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Giving Their Lives to Transform Lives from Within
Lindsay and Hanz’s Story— Living and Loving Life in Bolivia with WorldVenture
Lindsay and her Husband, Hanz, heard about RightNow through The Traveling Team and contacted our website in March 2008 with a passion to serve God with their lives overseas. While remaining involved with InterVarsity, a college campus-outreach ministry, and finishing up school, Lindsay and Hanz stayed in touch with their Mission Coach to find an opportunity to fuse their passion for college students and full-time missions. Their Mission Coach connected them with WorldVenture, a ministry that partners with the local church to connect and transform lives through relationships.
After many conversations and unceasing prayers, Lindsay and Hanz have decided to work full-time with WorldVenture. They’re headed to Bolivia in May 2009 for three years working with college students in a discipleship role and helping with WorldVenture missionaries already there planting churches.
WorldVenture’s vision is to see people of all nations transformed by Jesus Christ through the powerful partnership with His church.
RK’s Story— Rendering his Service for the Sake of Christ through Operation Mobilization
RK contacted RightNow via the web from
RK stayed in touch with his
OM India’s goal is to transform lives from within using social, economic and spiritual initiatives.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Serving Internationals and Serving Internationally
Kimmie’s Story— Working with International Students, Inc. to Fulfill the Great Commission
Kimmie contacted RightNow with a passion to work with international students in her community.This is her story:
I had come to realize soon after serving in a large church that my heart went out to those who weren't seeking God. Soon after that realization I knew somehow I had to respond. NEW PLAN: move overseas and do missions abroad. God used a wise man to halt my steps. After I was encouraged to wait and pray longer, God laid on my heart internationals here in the states. I had no idea how to get involved with internationals here. I had already begun talking with RightNow. The Mission Coaches there helped me connect some pieces by getting me in touch with International Students, Inc, a ministry whose focus is on international students here in the states--students who are leaders and future leaders of their countries. This was even bigger than I expected. This September I stopped volunteering with ISI and became full-time staff. Currently I'm raising support to take that next step of faith toward fulfilling the Great Commission. God used RightNow and ISI to get me exactly where I needed to be. I'd encourage you to tell the Mission Coaches at RightNow what God has lain on your heart; I never imagined there'd be a ministry like ISI already doing the work God asked me to join.
-Kimmie Carlson
International Students, Inc. exists to share Christ's love with international students and to equip them for effective service in cooperation with the local church.
Marissa’s Story— Implementing her Passion for Social Work All Over the World with Adventures in Missions
Marissa contacted RightNow on the web in February 2008 as a senior at
She stayed in contact with her RightNow Mission Coach who put her in contact with Adventures in Missions World Race Program. She applied and has been accepted on the June 2009 World Race team. On the World Race, Marissa will visit 11 countries in 11 months and fulfilling the desire of her heart – to connect and develop relationships with those less fortunate and victims to social injustices.
The World Race is about adventure, ministry, community, self-discovery, and growth. It's more than a mission trip - it's a pilgrimage.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Fusion Top 10
In semi-Letterman style here are my Top 10 Moments for Fusion+Dallas 08
10. The Brick House Choir leading 2,000 plus in our generation in worship to open up Fusion
9. Amena Brown’s first spoken word piece in the middle of the Brick House Choirs opening worship set… that was a moment!
8. The hope and inspiration offered by Erwin McManus as he encouraged us to live out the dreams God has placed in our hearts
7. Watching 1,000 World Vision Care Giver Kits built in less than 30 minutes
6. Donald Miller helping us understand that our faith has to be active and imploring us to get a better story to live out
5. The concert with the Robbie Seay Band was unbelievable
4. Francis Chan setting us all up with the story of his buddy helping out the old man who was a victim of road rage and then turning the tables on us by asking why we are willing to be bold in the physical, but not the spiritual
3. Margaret Feinberg modeling the vibrant life waiting for all of us if we would just get in the word and dwell with Jesus in prayer
2. Matt Chandler leaving no stone un-turned as he wondered aloud why people would want to be on a team and only participate in practice and never actually get in the game
1. Meeting a couple who came to Fusion last year and we so inspired that they are actually moving in 6 weeks to the Middle East to be full time missionaries
Check out what Brian Mosley had to say about LeadNow+Fusion here
LeadNow Top 10
In semi-Letterman style here are my Top 10 Moments for LeadNow 08
10. Walking on stage for the first time and seeing more than 1,000 Leaders gathered together
9. The surprise appearance by Marcus Buckingham
8. The collective gasp from the crowd when I announced that we were giving everyone a free copy of Marcus Buckinghams book. It made me feel like Oprah…
7. Todd Phillips telling us that his Senior Pastor won’t hire a leader unless they have been crushed before
6. Seeing the Connection CafĂ© full of Pastor’s & Leader’s looking to lead their people in putting their faith in action
5. The worship on Friday morning with Patrick Ryan Clark that set the tone and prepared us all for Francis Chan
4. Francis Chan’s message on the Holy Spirit that brought a remarkable clarity to life and leadership
3. Erwin McManus saying that this generation has the chance to be the greatest humanitarians of all time
2. Erwin McManus explaining how to live and minister in the 3rd space
1. Having 5 different Pastors stop me in the halls to tell me how their lives and ministries were being changed and informed by what God is doing in this place!
Check out what Brian Mosley had to say about LeadNow+Fusion here
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Donald Miller is a normal guy
When I was a freshman in high school our church did a youth weekend where each grade spent the weekend in a family’s home. I don’t know why the homeowners agreed to let 15 high school students abuse their home — but they did -- and it was a really meaningful weekend. The leader for the guys that weekend was a 22 year old from Houston named Don Miller. My friend Anthony and I loved Don. He was this cool guy who paid attention to us. I remember Don talking about how much he enjoyed U2’s With or Without You, he introduced us to some indie band called the Trashcan Sinatras and on the way home from the Rich Mullins concert the police pulled us over in Don’s little pick-up truck (they probably figured 3 guys crammed into the front seat of a pick-up were up to no good).
Then the weekend was over and Anthony and I soon forgot about Don and The Trashcan Sinatras.
Eight years later it’s 2001 and I am sitting in a missionary’s home one evening in India reading a book that I picked up called Prayer and the Art of Volkswagen Maintenance. I really enjoyed the book and for some reason it was the only book I brought on my 10 day trip. I finished the last chapter and started reading any other printed page left just to pass time. I actually read all the acknowledgments and noticed my old youth pastor’s name is mentioned – David Gentiles. At that moment it clicked. I looked at the back cover and realized from the picture that the author is Don Miller — my leader from the freshman retreat. “Good for him,” I thought. “He’s a writer.” I emailed the address in the book and we exchange a few surface-level emails. A few days later I returned to Texas and forgot about Don.
Six years pass and we are launching our first LeadNow event in Orlando. Don is now a best-selling author (Blue Like Jazz) and it seems that everyone I talk to has heard of him or at least the book. Like millions of others, I enjoyed Blue Like Jazz and we invited Don to be one of our speakers at LeadNow. He walks into the church in Orlando and I greet him and guide him backstage. I start to bring up the youth retreat and emails exchanged over the Volkswagen book ... and he remembered! He asked about Anthony and we re-connected about mutual friends.
Over the past 18 months I have come to appreciate Don as a thinker, a gifted communicator, a faithful follower of Christ and a friend. He’s now been at four of our events and we’ve done several video projects together. I just returned from a few days in Portland, Oregon where I was hanging out with Don and the other board members of The Mentoring Project. I was honored to be invited to join the board and this was my first meeting. Don grew up without a dad and recently started The Mentoring Project (formerly Belmont Foundation) to recruit and equip churches to send out mentors into their local community to be a positive role model for 7-14 year old fatherless boys. It’s an incredible opportunity for the church to act on behalf of 10 million fatherless boys in our country.
Through research, The Mentoring Project found that mentoring has the ability to change the trajectory of a young man’s future. Kids who are mentored are:
* 46% less likely to use drugs or alcohol
* 53% less likely to skip school
* 33% less likely to resort to violence
* 59% more likely to get better grades
What I appreciate about Don is that he’s a normal guy. His most recent blog post is a video of some families who came over to his house to carve pumpkins and they decided to see what would happen if they threw them off the second-story balcony. But more significant than his normalcy — I am thrilled that the guy who traveled across the country in a Volkswagen bus and ended up in Portland is willing to let God use him and his voice to impact a generation.
I am amazed to see how God weaves relationships together and am thankful that this one is 15+ years in the making.
By the way -- we just found out that Don wants to come to our event in Dallas in 3 weeks. So we made a spot for him and he will be speaking on Friday, November 14 on the same evening as Erwin McManus. Tickets are still $20 if you go online now.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Small Group Guru's
I'm in Chicago today spending time with some of the greatest leaders in small group ministry. It's incredibly challenging and enlightening. We are interviewing 16 people in 12 hours asking them questions about small groups to try and help small group leaders. This is a picture of Bill Donahue who leads the small group initiative here at Willow Creek. We'll take the footage we get and use it for free online training at The Small Group Exchange
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Loving on Orphans in Africa
Olga’s Story— Working as an Occupational Therapist with Operation Mobilization
Olga discovered RightNow on the web in January 2008. She is a physical therapist who previously spent time in Africa working with medical missions in
Olga stayed in touch with her mission coach throughout the spring looking for medical mission opportunities. She stayed in constant prayer and worked 60+ hours a week preparing for whatever doors the Lord would open up for her.
Olga’s Mission Coach then connected her with Operation Mobilization (OM) who happened to have a six month Occupational Therapist opportunity working with orphaned and abused children in
Operation Mobilization works in partnership with the local church, encouraging and supporting local believers.
Laurie’s Story— Providing Orphan care with a Rafiki Orphanage in Malawi
Laurie learned about RightNow on the web in September 2007. She stayed in contact with her Mission Coach for the first six months trying to balance a full-time job that required a lot of travel yet not neglecting her call to serve children in
Laurie’s Mission Coach then put her in touch with The Rafiki Foundation which provides great orphan care in
Laurie told her mission coach, “I can't thank you enough for your role in this. I would never have gotten in contact with Rafiki if you had not been so persistent in reaching out to me. I believe that there is a reason that RightNow continues to show up in my life despite me getting caught up in the craziness of everyday life.”
The Rafiki Foundation provides God's Word and ministries of mercy to children in ten African countries.
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Valuing Relationships while on Mission
Rachelle’s Story— Developing a Special Relationship in Africa with Adventures in Missions
Rachelle met RightNow through The Traveling Team in September 2007 as a student at
Rachelle really had a desire to spend the summer of 2008 serving kids in
The Lord developed a special relationship with Precious, one of the teenagers in the village. They met each day and went through scripture, shared a passion to write poetry, and learned so much from each other. On the last day, Precious gave Rachelle a personal poem and a note that read ‘I will really miss you. I never had a friend who loves me so much. I love you too.’
Adventures in Missions emphasize prayer and relationships in their work among the poor.
Catherine’s Story— Connecting with College Students in Milan with CrossWorld
Catherine learned about RightNow.org on the web in October 2007. She leads the college and career group at her church and has a passion to combine media with ministry.
Catherine’s family is originally from
Catherine spent her 2007 winter break connecting with college students with a campus outreach ministry through CrossWorld and
She is in regular contact with her RightNow Mission Coach and is looking to serve overseas again late this fall.
CrossWorld serves the church around the world by mobilizing teams to make disciples and train leaders.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Lonnie's True Colors
Most of you know Lonnie Smith, the Director of our Church Relations Team at The RightNow Campaign. Lonnie is one of the most beloved staff members at RightNow and it's not only because he is the oldest staff member and the one who's been around the longest. It's also because Lonnie is a passionate guy. He loves Jesus in a way that shapes his entire life and anyone else who encounters him. Lonnie is the real deal! And while there is no doubt that his faith in Christ is the most important aspect of his life, it's definitely not the only thing he is passionate about. I think it's safe to say that anyone that knows Lonnie understands three other things he is hugely passionate about: his family, Elvis, and college football. So it was nice to see this weekend where Lonnie's loyalties lie. The Sooners may be number one in the polls, but it's obvious to all that LSU is number one in his heart.
RightNow Road Trip
We have been preparing so hard for LeadNow+Fusion that we decided it was road trip time! So Lonnie, Bill, Rob and myself met up on Saturday morning and took off to Baton Rouge to see the LSU Fighting Tigers play againg the Mississippi State Bulldogs.
- Rob making up for being 21 minutes late by driving illegally to get us to the game on time
- Walking up on tailgaters and declaring that we were hungry Tiger fans to get free gumbo
- An incident at WalMart...
- Lonnie setting his eyes on Tiger Stadium for the first time
- Free Subway for being the last customers of the day
- Yelling Tiger Bait at perfectly innocent Bulldog fans
- Lonnie asking me if I was up all night creating this blog entry
- Listening to "Coyotes" by Grizzly Man
- Lonnies phone conversation with his wife Anita where he discussed his shower in great detail
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Using Sports and Teaching to Connect with the Community
Adam’s Story— Coordinating Bible Studies in Tokyo with the IMB
Adam met RightNow at Passion 2006. He was involved in campus ministries and had a huge heart for overseas missions. He remained involved in mission work to
Adam felt a call to serve in
While in
Adam is currently enrolled in Southeastern Seminary in
The IMB presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to lead individuals to saving faith, resulting in church-planting movements among all the peoples of the world.
Jana’s Story— Working with a Sports Program in India through OM
Jana found RightNow.org on the web in October 2008. She had been on a couple mission trips to
Jana loved working with youth and loved basketball as she played in college. She also currently coaches high school basketball. She was interested in serving on a two-week sports mission trip.
Jana stayed in touch with her RightNow mission coach who put her in touch with Operation Mobilization (OM).
Jana is now heading to
Over 5,400 people working in over 110 countries are serving with Operation Mobilization to bring a message of hope to the peoples of the world.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Training to be Effective Servants for the Kingdom
Rebecca’s Story— Using Business as Missions in Beijing
Rebecca found us on the web in April 2008. She had graduated from Texas A&M with a degree in Accounting and Finance and was finishing up an internship at a
Rebecca dreamed of serving in a business setting and at the same time, focusing on relational evangelism. Her RightNow mission coach connected her to several organizations that use the business as missions approach and one happened to include an internship opportunity in
JD’s Story— Discipleship with Adventures in
JD met RightNow in the GO Center at Passion January 2007 in
JD stayed in touch with his RightNow mission coach throughout the year as he applied with several mission organizations and internships. All the while, he was very involved with the youth ministry at his church and the International Student Ministry at the
JD then returned to
“It will be a great opportunity for discipleship, training, and outreach,” says JD. “Adventures is an organization that was recommended by you guys, so thanks for all the support and encouragement in pursuit of doing missions and serving the Lord.”
The vision of Adventures in Missions is to produce 10,000 disciple-makers over the next five years.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Reaching Communities Through Teaching and the Gospel
Clare’s Story— Serving with Mission Year in Chicago
Clare heard about RightNow through the Traveling Team and contacted us in Oct. 2007 as a senior at Texas Tech studying Human Development and International Studies. She was very involved in campus ministries and leading high school small groups at her church. She has a huge passion for reaching unbelievers.
Clare stayed in contact with her mission coach throughout the school year and was very open to go overseas but also had a passion to reach out to communities here in the states.
Clare’s mission coach told her about Mission Year where you spend one year living with a team in a
Mission Year is committed to the command of Jesus to “love God and love people,” by placing the needs of our neighbors first and developing committed disciples of Christ with a heart for the poor.
Maren’s Story— Teaching Overseas with the English Language Institute in China
Maren has a huge heart to serve anywhere overseas but she was troubled by her student loans. She had heard about RightNow through a Perspectives World Mission class and contacted us in February 2008.
Maren’s mission coach told her about the English Language Institute in China (ELIC) and the huge need for English teachers in
Maren decided to trust the Lord with her concerns in finances. She decided to go with ELIC in June 2008 to serve as a teacher.
ELIC builds quality relationships with college students, professionals, and K-12 students who are the present and future leaders of China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Laos,
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Stepping Out to Serve in Africa and Asia
Lexi’s Story— Serving the Lost in South Asia with the International Mission Board
Lexi contacted us through RightNow.org in June 2008. Her and her husband had a passion to help stir the heart of the American church towards caring for the lost and oppressed. They felt in order to do that, they must first “go” and touch those lives firsthand.
Lexi’s RightNow mission coach told her about the Journeyman Conference put on by one of our partners, the International Mission Board. Her and her husband attended the week-long conference in
She told her RightNow coach at the end of August that they will be serving in
Lexi said, “We are so excited to be able to serve these beautiful people, and God is daily increasing our burden for them. At the same time, we hope to facilitate the American church to experience the heart of Jesus like they have not been able to do before.”
The IMB’s main objective is presenting the Gospel of Jesus Christ in order to lead individuals to saving faith in Him and result in church-planting movements among all the peoples of the world.
JenniLynn’s Story— Comforting Orphans in Africa with Serving in Mission
JenniLynn contacted us through RightNow.org in July 2006 as a Senior Business Management major at
Missions had always been a huge passion of JenniLynn’s but money and family issues seemed to stand as a road block. As she approached graduation, she didn’t want to simply get a business job she wouldn’t care at all about.
JenniLynn then graduated in May 2007 and went to
In August 2008, she told her mission coach she was ready to go so she was connected to a few different organizations. She is now going with Serving in
SIM’s purpose is to glorify God by planting, strengthening, and partnering with churches around the world.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sharing God's Love for the Nations
Elisa's Story: Using Her Heart for Counseling in Nepal with Operation Mobilization

Elisa’s mission coach told her about different opportunities working overseas with Operation Mobilization (OM) and sent her profile to
Elisa contacted us in November ’07 to let us know that she’d be serving overseas in
We’re grateful that Elisa will be using her heart for counseling in
Operation Mobilization works in over 110 countries, motivating and equipping people to share God’s love with people all over the world.
Kimberly's Story: Using Her Love for Children in Slovakia with Teachoverseas.org
Kimberly contacted us in September 2007 as an elementary school teacher. She had a huge heart for Europe and has lived in
Kimberly kept in touch with her RightNow coach who sent her profile to Teachoverseas.org. Now, a year later, she let us know that she leaves at the end of August to teach in
We’re excited that Kimberly will be using her love for children in
Friday, August 22, 2008
Billboards and Cotton Candy
I’ve really been thinking about culture’s influence on Christianity lately. When I drive home from work every day, billboards scream at me left and right (I don’t notice them in the morning because I’m just waking up). The “me’s” and the “you’s” shouting from the billboards make it difficult not to think about what I want or deserve. I guess I really do need an exotic vacation, a million dollars, and the perfect body.
Many pastors today preach right along with the billboards: “You can have it all now.” “Believe in yourself.” “God wants to bless you.” “God wants to make you rich.” The focus is drenched on man, but very little attention is upon God. This kind of teaching feels so good. It tickles my ears. I begin to think there really is so much greatness in me if I just tap into it. It even tastes like cotton candy but in the end, it bites me with a bitter, awful taste.
The truth is that living a life committed to Jesus Christ is far from this sugar-coated mentality of “Jesus wants to bless me and I am so great.” True Christianity calls me to a life of surrender (giving away my life), sacrifice, hardship, humility, loss, pain, and more. Yes, God does promise blessing and joy when I live life in Him and I am the first to say I experience his fullness every day, but he also tells me that above all else my heart is deceitfully wicked and apart from Him, I can do nothing. This message is very conflicting with the message we hear in culture and even in churches today. And I might be lucky if I catch these words on a billboard. I have to constantly examine what my eyes and ears are taking in and line it up with Scripture.
Donald Miller, author of Blue Like Jazz, has been really great to partner with us in creating a message on this topic. He takes on this subject in a new light in Free Market Jesus. This DVD study contains an hour long talk Don gave at our Dallas LeadNow+Fusion Conference last fall. It’s split into two 30 minute talks and comes with some great break out questions to help facilitate discussion amongst your group. Don has been a long time friend of RightNow and our conferences. I’ve talked with many leaders this past week who were so refreshed by his simple yet profound insight into Jesus and culture. I think you’ll enjoy it too.
Do you think many churches are teaching a false gospel? How has cultured shaped your view on true Christianity?
Monday, August 18, 2008
College Students’ Pursuing Missions with Pioneers
Trish’s Story— Using her love for Children with Pioneers

Trish heard about RightNow through her bible study leader and contacted us in October 2007. She expressed her heart for evangelism especially to children and that she was studying to be an elementary teacher.
Trish kept in touch with her mission coach who sent her profile to Pioneers. All of the logistics and details worked out with Pioneers, and she is currently evangelizing in
Pioneers role is to recruit, train, and support missionaries who serve in difficult environments around the world. Their website is www.pioneers.org.
Christi’s Story— Using her heart for the Middle East with Pioneers
Christi contacted us through RightNow.org in October 2007. She was busy as a nursing student at
Christi just couldn’t deny her calling to serve the Lord in the
Christi’s desires came true as she was able to spend all of June and July in
Pioneers has more than 1,700 international members serving on 178 teams in 80 countries among 130 unreached people groups and partners with more than 2,000 churches to send these missionaries to least-reached peoples. Pioneers also provides an efficient way for many churches to partner by organizing resources for greater impact, and providing benefits and services at a lower cost for each individual missionary. Find out more at www.pioneers.org.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Mark Batterson
Mark Batterson came by our office yesterday. We met Mark through our LeadNow+Fusion event in Washington DC last year. I love the way God is using Mark in our generation and it was fun to get a glimpse into the next things that God has in store for Mark. He gave me a copy of his book, Wild Goose Chase, which comes out next week. I read the first chapter this morning and I can already tell this book is going to be one of my favorites. Mark's life messages allign with everything we are trying to do here at The RightNow Campaign.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
A Franciscan Benediction
May God bless you with discomfort at easy answers, half truths, and superficial relationships, so that you may live deep within your heart.
May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, and exploitation of people, so that you may work for justice, freedom and peace.
May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation, and war, so that you may reach out your hand to comfort them and to turn their pain in to joy.
And may God bless you with enough foolishness to believe that you can make a difference in this world, so that you can do what others claim cannot be done.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Leadnow & Fusion 2008
I'm getting really excited about our LeadNow and Fusion events coming up in November here in Dallas. It will be here before we know it! On Monday, we mailed out 5,000 DVD packets and 5,000 postcards to church leaders around the country spreading the news about how they can be involved in LeadNow.
This year is different than any other year because we're giving leaders the opportunity to host a simulcast at their church or attend a simulcast at a location close to them. These events are for you as a leader of twenties and thirties and if you are in your twenties and thirties. I can't think of a better place to grow in my relationship with God and others- learning under great leaders like Erwin McManus, Matt Chandler, Margaret Feinberg, Francis Chan, and my very own pastor, Todd Wagner.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Lead Worshipers Robbie Seay Band and Patrick Ryan Clark join us at Dallas LeadNow+Fusion Conference
We are excited to announce Robbie Seay Band and Patrick Ryan Clark will be leading worship at this year's LeadNow+Fusion Conference in Dallas this fall. PRC will lead worship as 750+ young-adult leaders gather for LeadNow on Thursday and Friday, November 13-14 while RSB kicks off the Fusion Experience as 2,000+ 20's and 30's join the leaders that Friday night and Saturday, November 14-15.
Patrick Ryan Clark believes it is his calling to impact lives, and to shine light on areas and topics that people often fear exposing. This up and coming singer songwriter has paved his own way by alluring audiences in coffee houses, pubs, and churches around the US. And due to the overwhelming response of his fans, he has earned a place on stages with Switchfoot, Leeland, Phil Wickham, Graham Colton, Chris Rice and Sanctus Real. Clark hopes to give purpose to the lost and hopeless through his music and has clearly embraced the idea of mercy and the inability to live life without pouring out his soul to his Creator.
Robbie Seay Band is a great Christian rock band located in Houston, TX. They lead worship at Ecclesia, a church in the Montrose area of Houston where Robbie's brother, Chris Seay is the teaching pastor. After releasing several independent albums, the band was signed to Sparrow Records in 2005 and have received substantial attention with the release of two amazing albums, Better Days and Give Yourself Away. Even the secular world has connected with RSB's message of our necessity to give of ourselves and our resources to others. RSB's song "Rise" was featured in two different American Idol commercials this past winter and their song "New Day" was featured on Oprah's Big Give on ABC this past spring. RSB's charge for our generation to step up directly aligns with the heartbeat of RightNow:

"We recently discovered that our faith and our actions seem miles apart. We've lived in comfort in the richest land in history without much thought of the world around us. There is great need in every corner of this globe and injustice taking place everyday. Can we respond together? I know that as we give ourselves away to those in need, the gospel story of hope will come alive."
- Robbie Seay
Both RSB and PRC have a heart to see our 20's and 30's generation fuse their faith and life to take the message of hope and freedom in Christ to a desperate world. We couldn't be more pumped to worship with them. So come join us November 13-15, 2008 at Irving Bible Church for this year's LeadNow+Fusion Conference. Visit RSB and PRC's homepage at www.robbieseayband.com and www.myspace.com/patrickryanclarkdallas
Read More......Thursday, July 24, 2008
The RightNow Campaign is running a Recession Special!
Okay – that was meant to make you chuckle, but seriously though – we are sensitive to the rising gas prices and growing inflation so we have an announcement to make. We have decided to make our LeadNow passes available for $99 until September 15th! No joke. Erwin McManus, Francis Chan, Margaret Feinberg, Matt Chandler, Todd Phillips, Tim Ross, and on and on… Oh by the way – did I mention our bands: The Robbie Seay Band and Patrick Ryan Clark. Or RSB & PRC for you alphabetically inclined.
Here’s how it works. You need to call Lonnie @ 972.560.4340 to get this deal and it ends on September 15th. Our hope is that by lowering the price this will allow some to get to LeadNow who would have not been able to come and allow others to bring more staff and lay leaders. Show us that we are making the right decision here and call Lonnie today. We’ll see you in November!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Reaching our Generation of Youth
Timothy’s Story— Leading Teens with Student Venture
“I’m not sure what God wants me to do with my life. I know it’s more than what I’m doing now and I know I want to help people,” Timothy said to RightNow in November ‘07.
Life seemed too busy to even think about missions. Timothy was doing construction, working on two associate’s degrees, and providing for his wife and three month old daughter. He told his mission coach that he was going through some difficult times but God was still showing himself: “I finally opened my eyes again as God had been working double time on my heart and mind.”
Timothy’s mission coach continued to pray with him and encourage him during the difficult times. His coach then connected him to Student Venture, the junior high and high school ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ.
Student Venture’s ministry extends to thousands of students led by more than 600 full-time staff, interns, Student Venture affiliates, and local community volunteers. Their heart and passion is loving Christ and loving teenagers.
Caitlin’s Story— Serving as a Young Life Leader in the Community
Caitlin met RightNow at Passion ’07 and stayed in contact with her RightNow mission coach, discussing and praying through different obstacles that stood in her way.
Caitlin declared her major in Psychology with hopes of working in child development one day. She told her RightNow coach that she really wanted to work with youth right now but wasn’t sure how it would work out. In the midst of pressures from school and other commitments, she declared “even if things don’t work out or God takes me in another direction, at least it’s a start.”
Caitlin’s story is proof that God can use us under any circumstance because one year later she interviewed with Young Life and is now actively serving in the community as a Young Life Leader, loving on teenagers.
The vision of Young Life is that every adolescent will have the opportunity to meet Jesus Christ and follow Him.