Monday, November 17, 2008

LeadNow Top 10

In semi-Letterman style here are my Top 10 Moments for LeadNow 08

10. Walking on stage for the first time and seeing more than 1,000 Leaders gathered together

9. The surprise appearance by Marcus Buckingham

8. The collective gasp from the crowd when I announced that we were giving everyone a free copy of Marcus Buckinghams book. It made me feel like Oprah…

7. Todd Phillips telling us that his Senior Pastor won’t hire a leader unless they have been crushed before

6. Seeing the Connection CafĂ© full of Pastor’s & Leader’s looking to lead their people in putting their faith in action

5. The worship on Friday morning with Patrick Ryan Clark that set the tone and prepared us all for Francis Chan

4. Francis Chan’s message on the Holy Spirit that brought a remarkable clarity to life and leadership

3. Erwin McManus saying that this generation has the chance to be the greatest humanitarians of all time

2. Erwin McManus explaining how to live and minister in the 3rd space

1. Having 5 different Pastors stop me in the halls to tell me how their lives and ministries were being changed and informed by what God is doing in this place!

Check out what Brian Mosley had to say about LeadNow+Fusion here

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1 comment:

Lyndi Mac said...

What a rich blessing!
Your top 10 are individually wonders to behold.
I like your number one the best too!
See you soon - tell the girls it snowed last night - not much on the ground though but dress warm cuz it's going to be cold here in Colorado.
Love you