Friday, March 23, 2007

Almost there...

Well, I received exciting news a few days ago. While talking with the mission organization that I am going to be serving through, I was informed that they have made contact with a group in Eastern Africa. The group is in the bush right now so I can't actually talk to them for a few more days, but on April 3, I am supposed to receive a call from Africa. During that call, we hope to discuss where I will serve and what I will be doing. One of the main things that is needed over there are people to travel into remote areas and start ministries with unreached people groups. Interestingly, I put that as one of my desires for this next year when I was applying. I am an Eagle Scout and love backpacking, camping, adventure stuff, etc. so all of this would be awesome for me to get to do all while serving the Lord and doing what I have been called to do-- tell everyone about HIM. Please keep this process in your prayers over the next week and just lift up the people of Africa. Thank you...

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