Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Threshold - LeadNow and the Fusion Experience

It's late Wednesday night. Tomorrow we will put on our seventh event since 2004. It's astounding to think back on how different that first event was compared to what will happen tomorrow.

We have nearly 800 leaders coming on Thursday and Friday for the Leadnow Conference. These are folks who are passionate about leading the 20 and 30-somethings in the churches and ministries. Then Friday night the crowd will grow to over 2300 for The Fusion Experience.

For me these events have been tangible and visible representations of The Rightnow Campaign. It's like everything we do all year long through our follow-up phone calls, building relationships with mission organizations, telling inspiring stories through video, conversing with pastors about this generation ... it all gets wrapped up into a big energetic frenzy during the few days of Leadnow and Fusion. I can't wait.

By the way, today we also launched a new Rightnow.org site. I think it's amazing. I am sure there are some bugs to work out -- but it will be a powerful tool for this generation.

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