Monday, March 19, 2007

The Long Road

It has been a long road thus far in my missionary journey. I have been accepted by a missions organization, which is very exciting, but it has been a tiring process to find a place for me to go. Earlier this year, we made contact with a person in Sudan. We talked back and forth between him, the agency, and me for several weeks. It looked like Sudan was where I was heading for a year, but God had different plans. My contact in Sudan has to come stateside this fall and thus I will not be able to go to Sudan. I would have to have someone in the country with me-- this would probably ease my parents fears. So, I am not going to Sudan. Now we are in contact with people in Kenya. I cannot tell you the excitement I have. Kenya is where I would like to go when I am able to serve full time (after school and all). There is such a need as a part of the AIDS epidemic in Kenya. I believe it has the highest number of AIDS orphans of any country in the world (except for maybe India) which is exactly what area I want to serve in. Please pray for me as we continue to try and get in contact with missionaries in Kenya and that God would place me where I can most glorify Him. I am also sending out support letters very soon, so pray that God will provide the funds for my trip though I do not know exactly how much I'll need.

“…and thus I make it my ambition to preach the gospel, not where Christ has already been named, lest I build on someone else’s foundation, but as it is written, ‘Those who have never been told of him will see, and those who have never heard will understand.’”

Romans 15:20-21

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