Friday, May 09, 2008


There is an urgent need for teachers in Northern India to work with missionary families. If you are interested in teaching in Asia, we want to help you come be a part of what God is doing in this area of the world by joining a team and impacting the lives of your students while being a witness for Christ! A team is currently at work in this area but they need the help of teachers to work with children.

The purpose and passion of the team is to see every village/neighborhood in Northern India with a culturally relevant, disciple making church which is actively loving its community. We do this by mobilizing, equipping and networking strategic partners to advance church planting movements. We believe that partnering with nationals and the local sending church is essential in order to accomplish church planting initiatives.

Spending two years as a teacher working with missionary families in Northern India can have an amazing eternal impact. This is what one India team member said about their experience in India:

"I thought God was calling me to go and do a great work for Him. What I found was that He wanted to do a deep work IN me. The challenges of learning a new language, adjusting to life in a new culture and maneuvering through finding a new identity in ministry have taken me deeper in my understanding of who I am and who God is. God has amazingly worked all things for good. It is worth it!"

For more information, contact Rob Wilson at or 972.560.4000.

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