Friday, March 14, 2008

Sports Ministry starting up in the Washing DC area after the Fusion Event

sports ministry in washington dc
This is Johanna’s Story of how she traded in her pursuit of the American dream and started up a sports ministry through her local church. Johanna took part in Fusion+DC and met a RightNow missions coach through the event. She shared her passion for sports and interest in sports ministry overseas with her missions coach. Johanna’s coach helped her locate a few ways to get connected to sports missions. Through this process Johanna was contacted by the Pastor at her local church requesting that she start a sports ministry in their local community. Johanna is in the process of putting this ministry together to make an impact for Christ in her local community outside of Washington DC.

Click here to check out over 3,000 missions opportunities around the world including sports ministries.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! I'm looking for an internship with a sports ministry for the 2009 summer. Would you mind giving me the email address of Johanna. Her mission sounds a lot like something I would want to participate in!
