Thursday, January 24, 2008

Just Do Something - Erwin McManus and Marc McCartney

Erwin McManus was speaking at our Fusion Experience in 2004 and made one of those statements that brought a dose of clarity to my life. He ended an inspirational message by chanting the mantra: "Just Do Something!"

He was talking about the way that we go about discerning God's will for our lives and how we want God to give us Google Maps turn by turn directions for everything we should do in our lives. But God doesn't work like that does He? Instead he gives us spiritual gifts. He wires us with passions to pursue. He burdens us with a desire to stamp out injustice. He places us in relationships that help us see where He is at work. God gives us everything we need, just not in the way that we may want it. Erwin was telling us that we need to stop waiting for the "voice from heaven" because He has already spoken! God has given us our charge and we need to 'Just Do Something!' Watch the 2 minute clip of the same message from our Young Adult study, Chasing Daylight and ask yourself what step you can take today to put your faith in action.

The RightNow Campaign (sister ministry of Bluefish TV) movement of 20 & 30 something's trading in the pursuit of the American Dream for a world that desperately needs Christ! We are calling for a revolution of other 20 & 30 something's who will Just Do Something and put our faith in action!

Erwin will be with us once again at our LeadNow and Fusion events this year. Our next event is April 24-26 in Orlando - please make plans today to join us in Orlando, Seattle or later this Fall in Dallas.

Marc McCartney - Director of Events

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